Go Civil Engineering uses drone technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our projects. It allows close -up inspection of hard to reach locations such as rugged terrain and remote sites. Providing real time project information and accurate side by side comparisons, they facilitate informed decision making and improves project quality and reduces project costs.
Since 2011, Go Civil Engineering has provided a wide range of land development consulting services for landowners, real estate developers, and public agencies to bring their creative visions to life. We work closely with our clients to study engineering and development alternatives to provide quality projects on time and on budget for residential, commercial and public projects. Go Civil offers a broad range of services throughout the southwestern United States and routinely works in Utah, Nevada and Arizona. Our current staff includes 7 people with a broad range of experience and diversity of interests. We specialize in land development, subdivisions, house plans, structural engineering, hydrology and navigating the complex world of permitting/municipal regulation. The majority of our work continues to be performed for repeat clients, contractors and developers. We are proud to be based in Cedar City and continue to play a vital role in the shaping of communities in Southern Utah.